" this page uses cookies"
"We've updated our privacy policy"
*30 sec full screen ad* OR "please turn off your adblocker and refresh"
"Would you like to take a survey?"
"Click to read more"
"You've reached your free articles for the month. Please subscribe!"

Jesus fucking Christ! Is it such a sin to read articles in peace? How does anybody use your shitty site. How does anybody PAY for your shitty site?! Fuck your articles. Why do companies think this is a good model?!

  • 6
    They probably don't make any money, so they'll just keep getting worse until they change or die.

    Natural selection. 😊
  • 7
    If I run into a blocked site I just never go back. Most of the time the information is biased beyond recognition anyway. If it were on paper I wouldn't even use it to wipe my ass. Sometimes it is that bad.
  • 1
    That's why I prefer to listen to podcasts. I canceled my Medium subscription because I'm not paying for the '10 best vscode extensions'.
  • 1
    anything related with these, I just leave immediately.
  • 1
    And we can all thank the European Union for fucking up the internet and turning it into a beaurocrats wet dream.
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