
I have installed elementary os . Actually it is the dual boot . I installed win10 as primary os and elementary as secondary .every thing is working fine but if I installed any package in terminal means it throws error .
Error "e: unble to locate the package "
I just googled it but it shows for Ubuntu . Not for elementary . Elementary os has launched this year. So help me out to sort this issue

  • 7
    "Elementary os has launched this year" Wut? It's been around since 2011. And it's mostly Ubuntu under the hood, so most Ubuntu tips will work. Try `sudo apt update` first.
  • 2
    Additionally the package names for "apt install ..." might be slightly different that the actual name (e.g. "chromium" installed the game "chromium-bsu" instead of the webbrowser, which is called "chromium-browser").
    You may search for packages with "apt search [search term]" or better use the app store which, should be installed by default.
  • 0
    I have tried to install sublime text in elementary os. After installation it is asking for key.i have used commands which I have seen in different sites. Still it's not working and in app center sublime text is not available.
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    @gronostaj I tried bro sudo apt-get update .. but still it's showing unable to locate the package. Is there any solution
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    @ajay06 because itll bug you until you purchase a key. Sublime is freemium I think
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    @ScribeOfGoD Yes, it is Freemium, but you can install via apt, if the repository is added.

    @ajay06 Question: Does the package name "sublime-text" appear if you enter "apt search sublime-text"? If not, you did not add the sublime repository correctly.
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    I gonna learn djano .so I need editor like sublime text to do coding part . Is there any editor which works in elementary os?
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    @sbiewald full text search is done. It's showing
  • 1
    @ajay06 Sublime ;)

    On a serious side, if you mean "Django" with "djano": PyCharm, VisualStudio Code, Atom, and if you want to have a hard time (but I guess it is already installed on your system) vim.
  • 0
    @ajay06 Did you add the line "deb https://download.sublimetext.com/ apt/stable" to the file /etc/apt/sources.list? If you did not, do it, and do an "apt update" afterwards and watch for for errors (e.g. something like unauthenticated repository). If you get that, add the public key of sublime to apt.

    Please note all "apt" commands (except "apt info", "apt search") need administrative rights. You can open an administrative shell with "sudo -s", if you did not know already.
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    @sbiewald atom is not already installed in my os brother . And I downloaded atom by using commands. Thanks for help brother
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    @sbiewald I didn't use this link. I used
    Sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install sublime-text
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    @ajay06 vim is installed by default.
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    @ajay06 Great I could help.

    Well, but sublime-text is not open source, thus not available "by default" from apt. Thus you need to tell it where to find it.
  • 2
    What @sbiewald said. ElementaryOS doesn't come with everything everyone ever made available out of the box. apt installs only from repositories it knows. ST isn't in Ubuntu's or Elementary's repositories.

    But you could have simply visited ST's website and found step by step instructions: https://sublimetext.com/docs/3/...
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    @gronostaj I tried those command two days before . I Installed sublime .after opening the app it asks for key .
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    @ajay06 because it's freemium, like I said in my previous reply. Sounds like you have it installed but you think it's a 100% free way to install it so it shouldn't ask for a key, but that's not how this works.
  • 1
    @ajay06 Well, it's not free software. You can evaluate it for free as long as you wish, but it will prompt to register every now and then. "Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use. There is currently no enforced time limit for the evaluation." https://www.sublimetext.com/3

    PS. Do yourself a favor and use VS Code instead. ST is a nice text editor, but it's far from a powerful IDE.
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    Sublime isn't free. If you think it is, get ready for your legal ass to be bitten.
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    For a beginner I would recommend using a visual packet manager, like Synaptic.

    I personally like and use Aptitude from the cli, but the usage not very intuitive.

    But nearly everything is better than using apt directly. If everything installs without issues, it's ok, but when the going gets tough, a beginner will likely damage the system even more when trying to repair it using apt directly. Especially by copying commands you don't understand from a website.
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