How is it that my friend's laptop battery is more than 100%...

  • 17
    If you had GNU/Linux you wouldn't have this problem...

    Since the battery display program would probably crash
  • 1
    You get extra battery if you use windows. Good for him.
  • 5
    Plutonium based batteries are a thing now.
  • 4
    It's legit from tech perspective and is actually true.

    Batt indicators take current charge and divide it by capacity. Over time capacity drops, but since lappy is on a charger its batt controller still sees max charge higher than capacity [ac is boosting the number up]. As soon as you disconnect the ac, curr_charge will drop rapidly until it reaches capacity value [bcz batt is worn out] and then the drop will stabilize.

    It's because of the hardware..

    There are 2 options: either allow >100% values or allow sudden % rises from, say, 65% immediatelly to 100%. I prefer the former as it clearly indicates a battery fault
  • 0
    Same problem i went through, my battery was showing 133hr and sudden shutdown while running, i changed my window and unplugged the charge as soon as it full,not over charging it,also making the use of battery instead of plugged in every running, making this as a habit after all this are with limited capacity so don't overcharge it
  • 2
    Obviously its because the outlet where its plugged in has 155% energy left and the battery has 100%. DUH!! :P
  • 1
    It's a feature.
  • 3
    You could have had more battery if the value wasn't stored in an 8 bit int. 😐
  • 2
    @grumpyoldaf you NEED extra battery if you use windows.
  • 0
    May be theree are more than 2 batteries
  • 1
    @Lensflare Never thought this could be a 8-bit integer variable. Thanks for pointing it out.
  • 0
    @alexbrooklyn I use both. This is my friends laptop who also uses both. Dual boot systems. Battery indicator didn't crash but also doesn't show 255%. This is only with Windows.
  • 2
    Elon musk wants to know your location
  • 1
    That's the new Hyperdrive charging system... You didnt know?
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