I just need to get this out.

NPM is not the worst dependency manager. It is way beyond any word in any language that can describe the most negative thing about it.

I developed nodejs projects. I like JS, it's a great language to work with. But not NODEJS, not NPM.

I can run my app in a F* browser but not once, not a single time that nodejs and npm can run at the first time. I spend way more time to build a working environment with nodejs and npm than to build my own app.

whoever developed these two pieces of crap had brains that filled with mud. And who gave them the courage to even put it out for people to use? JS is such a good language and they have ruined it.

There are so many dependency managers out there couldn't they just take a look at how human beings do things? I mean they have never seen APT or Composer or something else that actually work?

Or they just had so much ego that they had to let other people to feel how difficult their lives are.

I don't care about how you manage the dependency and I shouldn't. You people made these crap with one purpose that chould help others to develop easily but NOOOOOO, we have to spice it up, right? You just have to make it fat and greasy, right? You just have to make it doesn't work. I bet you people just redefined the F* CONSTANT of "How to Develope a System that Doesn't Work".

I don't know if NPM genius have ever did a information collection of their system. I bet most function that has been invoked is "throw error".

The funny thing is on NPM website, they provide Enterprise Solutions.... I would sue them for fraud.

  • 4
    it's ok here to drop the FUCKING word, no need to censor the "F*". (Or did I misread smth?) Just get it out, that's the point here on devRant.
    Otherwise nice rant and yeah, I feel with you.🙄
  • 2
    Lol, I tried not to be too mean. But.....

    I spend two days of time on both windows and linux. I haven't even started programming yet. Two days just to get "npm install" work....

    And you know what? the sample code is provided by Google. I just cloned the git.

    God I wanna cry....
  • 0
    @dUcKtYpEd I hated when you are right. lol.

    I hope I had all the time to get things working but it's a production project and I spent two days watching "ERR" messages.

    The funny thing is, I still don't know what went wrong.
  • 1
    I really want this to be my situation. I honestly do. But as someone that has a good solid 3 apps in production with a fuckload of features. Managed using node for frontend applications and server side applications in a plethora of frontend packagers(gulp, parcel, webpack) and continues to include Node in its workflow I have YET to find one of these issues. Not saying that they do not happen, not saying that you are wrong, but fk me man I have only found joy in building Node apps.
    I also happen to really respecr Ryan Dahl.
  • 0

    Wow, good for you!

    I guess I am just the stupid guy who doesn’t know shit about programming. Or

    I wish I can be as good as you are. I really do. I wish I can have a shit load feature front end and server side app that runs like yours.
  • 1
    @Macsloverd the sarcasm was not needed, specially when I already said that I do not deny that this shit happens. I am either just really luck or have not built anything really big to warrant having issues.

    Try reading a little bit harder before you respond in such a negative outburst like a total dickhead.
  • 0

    I wouldn’t be so negative if I put this on stackoverflow.

    I thought this is devRant.

    My bad.
  • 0
    @Macsloverd it is devrant. Nowhere does the community encourages being a twat to one another though.

    I have seen that issue. Have fun with it.
  • 0

    Exactly. Unless I am being the dickhead.

    I am having fun. It’s 2:30 in the morning here and I have having fun with those errors.

    Solved it by changing the version of sqlite3 and disabled the audit feature which could not auto fix.
  • 0
    You are absolutely right.

    I have fixed the issue. I always do. There must be a solution to everything.

    What I meant is I have never encountered any dependency manager has ever caused so much hassle to get it right.

    Maybe I am not good at it enough. But to build a good eco system around something, I think the first thing to be sure is to make a good soil for the plant to grow rather than saying to the seed “dude, fight your way out! If you wanna live, suck it up.”

    Of course, it is fantastic that if we all can solve every problem ourselves, but I don’t think it is the way a package manager was designed for. I think it is for letting developers to focus on their work itself.

    Re-inventing the wheels is something we don’t want. But if the given wheel is problematic then it only leaves the programmer spending more time either trying to fix the wheel or to re-invent it. But, see, no matter which route you take, it is never about building your car that is based on the wheel.
  • 0

    Sorry, it seems I cannot rely to you. Please find my rely down (or up).

    Thanks replying to me.
  • 0

    You are quite right.

    I once made a warehouse/inventory app with nodejs, it was running so smooth.

    A month later, I was about to add some new feature, only found out nothing works because I updated one module.

  • 0

    No kidding....

    No wonder some one has mentioned in another rant saying that his app is 15K while the modules are 2.3G...

    I am now thinking, what was that 15K all about...

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