Hey @dfox what kind of audience did you expect when you and @trogus pitched the idea of devRant?

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    devs, probably
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    @kescherRant what an accurate answer, wow!
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    We were aiming for a niche audience that would actively share the community, as a social network should be inherently viral. Growth has been slower than expected, but that may be because we do minimal re-engagement (we send zero emails right now). Also the nature of ranting against your co-workers makes you less inclined to invite your co-workers.
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    @trogus to your last point, I myself don't use my usual username because that would give me out 😂
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    @nothappy no but whenever you get specific, it'll start to make you easier to pick out.
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    @Stuxnet that's why I have an odd username here
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    I never share devRant with coworkers specifically because they're usually the ones making me rant. 🙁
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    @Jilano fuck how'd you know it's me Jim?
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    @nothappy that's not the point dude.

    Whenever you rant about a specific event, theres a big chance it will be obvious to a co worker that it's you.
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    @Jilano fucking Kyle. Can't keep a secret worth a shit.

    Did you hear he told Margaret about her husband having an affair? Smh
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