wtf????? it's a fucking alarm app. what does it fucking need to function? jesus christ!

  • 26
    Well you see, we at alarmy have devoted our lives to providing the best possible alarm experience to our users. This includes our machine learning algorithms that work to determine what volume of tones are best suited to wake you, our video and audio surveillance EHEM I mean monitoring services to assure you are getting the most rejuvenating sleep possible, and a video chat function so you can wake up to friendly calls by the people you care about most. Here at alarmy, we take this alarm shit seriously
  • 11
    Either its built using a fat framework or it contains more than it advertises.
  • 11
    @Voxera We would like to assure you that our blockchain solution for storing your past alarm configurations isn’t a fat framework, but a critical component to a truly successful alarm ecosystem.
  • 6
    1mb alarm app, the rest advertisements and private data collecting
  • 3
    Their ai has consumed all other alarm apps to learn from them and become the best alarm app
  • 5
    Most ad networks come with their own chromium instance with which to render the (html+js) ads.

    (They also blame you, the developer, for all chromium-related crashes, even if your app doesn't even use chromium. They also, of course, let advertisers run any ad they want to pay for, regardless if it works or not, or if it crashes. So you, the dev, get the shit end of the stick from everyone: end users, advertisers, the ad network(s), and ofc your own boss. And yourself for building this abomination.)
  • 1
    maybe it just has a few 100 megapixel background images?
  • 0
    It probably doesn't need to function Jesus christ
  • 1
    From the looks of it, it includes all ring tones probably?

    You could also download the apk on your computer and find out... If I remember correctly it's like a Zip file...
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