
Most days I'm in the office 2 hours before any of my other colleagues show up for work. So I turn up the music and just get to work ...

I hate it when those colleagues then come in and immediately make some snarky comments on my choice of music (which can be anything from Death metal to Vocal Trance and even Classical) but when asked what they'd prefer instead of my music, they can't/ won't come up with an alternative ...

  • 3
    Why make snarky comments about someone else's taste anyway
  • 7
    If i heard death metal at 8h15 coming into the office it would be hard for me not to make a comment ;)

    But not everytime. The first time. Though id expect theperson to use headphones after more people arrive.
  • 1
    @Santaclauze agreed, death metal is not for everybody ... and I do have a set of skullcandy headphones to wear when people come in ... the real gripe is that I offer people to play music THEY like, but they almost never come with something.
  • 0
    Put this one on for me then youtube -> captain hook ;)
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    @Santaclauze ... There you go :)
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