
You fuckin sell $1000 wix site?🖕

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    I feel ashamed selling something i did not made, so i may sell "x hours of assistance helping wix installation" and i will make the client sit next to me during those x hours.
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    Yeah and you now what fucking happens next they want feature X which a dynamic function and an app not a site, then gets dumped by the wixer and calls us real devs and we have to take the shit that we can't "just add it".

    Evil wixers
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    Tbh they're not wrong.. an old classmate of mine made 4k a month by selling WordPress websites to businesses. He's got talent as a web designer tho, so he did do a good job when presenting them.
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    @TheItalianGuy WordPress is a lot better to sold rather than wix
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    @volttide Maybe :) Regardless, these CMSes are a way to make a quick buck if someone really wants to
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    It’s a business dimwit. You think only if you code a site from scratch it’s worth selling?

    Thousands of developers have amazing businesses delivering value to customers using Wordpress, wix and other similar things. Grow the fuck up.
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    @grumpyoldaf so you'll pay 1k for a wix site?
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    @volttide You don’t understand do you? If I’m a business and I need a website that would help my business ie increased profit more customers what not.

    I approach someone to get me a website. I do not care about what they use. Wix or Wordpress or square space or django or angular. I pay $$$$ and I get a website.

    If I’m someone who provides services that makes websites for people and if I can do it in wix and sell it for 1000 $ why wouldn’t I? That’s how businesses work. You’d be surprised by how many people are out there making money by helping people with websites using Wordpress or wix or sites like that.

    You ask if I’d pay 1000 dollars for wix yes? Think about how many assembled products made with easy automated processes that you pay for without thinking twice in your daily life.
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    @grumpyoldaf we're talking about wix in this rant. I sure would pay a lot for site made with wordpress or other cms that can be customized later. But for wix, one day I if I need to add complex customization that wix can't handle, then I must pay a lot more to devs to rebuild a site with the additional feature I wanted.
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    @volttide agreed. But that’s the business a problem. If someone considers wix to be good enough for a business and set them up with a site on wix and the business is happy you can charge any $$$$. I see where you’re coming from but that’s how things are bruh. Can’t do much :(
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    @grumpyoldaf every bosses need a competent advisor so they know what tools to use on their long term plan.
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    @volttide in an ideal world. There are hundreds of businesses that don’t employ anyone related to tech. And if they get stuck with an asshole firm who sells off wix sites then yeah it is what it is
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    What would you say to selling a webflow website?
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    @m3b6 I haven't try webflow up until now
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    Lmao last time I charged a client that was near big in the clothing retail scene they ended up not calling back and my boi ended up picking them as a client on Fiverr.

    We still talk about it till this very day 😂
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