
After two weeks of struggling with Docker, I can confidently say, this is the worst shit I've ever worked with.

$ php bin/console make:migration
ERROR: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

Well let's try again...

$ php bin/console make:migration
ERROR: Connection refused

Different error messages for the same commands?! FUCK YOU!!!

  • 3
    Perhaps you just don't have a good setup, don't blame the technology 🙄
  • 0
    @jespersh Yeah, that makes sense
  • 0
    Lol, turned out I already got the solution, but have failed to test it correctly... -.-

    Now everything works fine.
  • 1
    From my experience Docker is really fucking bad because it's not actually a vm sorta platform but just the thinnest of wrappers around a linux subsystem. Which is why it's complete garbage on windows because oh shit windows isn't linux and it can't actually run properly
  • 3
    @12bitfloat It's a PITA on anything but Linux. Used it on Windows, helped friends solve some problems on macOS. Everything but Linux is going to give you Docker-induced headaches eventually.
  • 0
    If you're on Linux, and have some ops know-how, docker is a fucking godsend! And if you're not on Linux, You're probably a pixelpoker or stupid, either way, docker is not for you.. #toughlove

    Edit; sorry, there is a third alternative,, you haven't discovered the awesomeness of Linux yet..
  • 0
    @AndreKlang Apart from all the massive compatibility issues and the bodged together amateur like code it's pretty good
  • 0
    @AndreKlang I totally agree that for docker windows bad linux good
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