Joined this company today. Arrived early. Formalities completed. Now I'm sitting at my chair doing nothing. Pretty boring.

  • 6
    Sounds like a typical first day in any company.

    First week is generally intro to projects and what you will be doing, after you get "setup".
  • 0
    @C0D4 sounds like that. Given a lower end laptop than what I've should I insist using my own laptop?
  • 2
    @shahidcodes if yours is better then the supplied one, wouldn't hurt to ask. Just be sure to keep your personal data seperate to the company data - possibly dual boot even.

    If the company is using a windows domain or similar, then probably not but you should try and request a better machine.

    Small company / startup or big boy?
  • 0
    @C0D4 it's a startup/small company and its windows
  • 3
    @shahidcodes yea, see if you can bring your own 😆

    They probably won't be prepared to drop a few K on a new laptop for the new guy.

    But still, no harm in trying for that upgrade. Just explain the needs and resources the machine will need to do the job.

    If they are... * checks profile * ... building Android apps on i3 processors and 4GB ram, you could sell it as a productivity increase 😅

    Who doesn't like the sound of faster app building times.
  • 1
    I hate these start weeks... First month to spent until u really know the damn source code and can start getting real shit done.
  • 1
    Lucky You I never had that pleasure.
  • 2
    I find that the bigger the company is, the longer it will be before I'm busy at work after starting.
  • 4
    @shahidcodes "Given a lower end laptop than what I've should I insist using my own laptop?"

    No, you should insist that your employer provides the tools for the work it wants to be done.
    Bringing your own hardware to work, jesus... Do construction workers bring their own jackhammers and cranes? What's next, you bringing your own salary?
  • 0
    @VaderNT that make sense.
  • 1
    Really depends on whether your laptop is up to the job. If it's a £300 Acer special then that's a bit of a warning sign (why so cheap? Have they got money problems? etc.)

    If they've given you a £1k laptop however and you've recently spent £1.5k on a personal one - meh. Just use theirs.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce mine i7 8th gen with nvme ssd theirs i5 (8th gen? Thinkpad) but not sure about sad/hdd
  • 1
    @shahidcodes SSD should be a requirement these days.
  • 2
    Last place I worked, I flat out told them that without at least 8GB ram and SSD I won't even consider position.

    Current set up : Xeon, 16GB RAM, GTX 1060ti, 256GB SSD and autorisation to play video games
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