I absolutely fucking HATE having to sleep with either a full nose or a throat making odd noises everytime I breathe

There is NOTHING (including eating noises) that agitate me more than having to use my mouth for breathing because my nose is full. I'm already addicted to nose spray because I'm sick and I can't breathe at night, but FUCK waking up at 3 in the morning because I can't breathe properly or have too much snot up my canals.


I can tolerate mouth breathing normally, just so I can control the amount of nose spray I take while I'm sick, but LEAVE ME A LONE AT NIGHT PLEASE



  • 3
    I think it says on the instructions paper that comes with the spray that you shouldn't use it longer than a week, after that time it's not helping anymore.
  • 2
    @Pyjong You're right, it still works but afterward the nose tissue becomes inflamed again but worse, and then it becomes an endless cicle
  • 1
    A good combination is a nasal spray AND frequently blowing your nose. Pulling it in constantly won't help.
  • 0
    @RantSomeWhere Hey I remember trying that years ago, I'll surely do that!
  • 0
    Thanks for all the tips <3
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    @RantSomeWhere Although it isn't ideal, I can at least breathe during the night

    I'm even able to breathe through the 'bad' hole from time to time

    If I have an important presentation or need to communicate clearly I will surely use it on both, but I'll start using only one spray whenever I can in the future :)
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