The sheer concept of Gitmoji needs to fucking die.

That's all. Bye.

  • 16
    Gitmoji? Care to explain what the fuck that even is? Do I even want to know?
  • 11
    @olback from what I'm seeing of this clusterfuck, it's a emoji commit format system.
  • 4
    @olback People seem to think this is a good idea: https://gitmoji.carloscuesta.me/
  • 16
    Let's just rollback to using fucking hieroglyphs at this point.
  • 3
    I should have never seen this... it’s telling me to “Come to the Dark side 🌚”
  • 1
    Because you know, who needs words that convert way more than a shot eating emoji
  • 1
    Boss at my internship introduced them to me. They're growing onto me, help
  • 0
    Oh that shit. Yea that can die
  • 2
    Gitmoji? Can I eat it?
  • 0
  • 1


    You're response perfectly typifies how I and others feel about this new trend.

    Fuck it, can we also install slavery for the unwashed masses? Egypt was built on it.

    As long as I get to wield the whip.
  • 5
    They are an absolute delight, but I can't imagine using them without any textual context. “🎉 Initial commit”, “🔧 Add tsconfig.json” and “📚 Update README” are awesome commit messages, IMHO.
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