Bulk Crap Uninstaller uninstallation process is so satisfying

  • 14
    Upvote because Python got recognized as crap.
  • 1
    @nitwhiz I am recovering my 3 year old computer from the graveyard to use in chromeos
    It became so slow these days, so I am uninstall ING applications as much as possible to see whether that does the trick
  • 5
    It's uninstalling Python, pull the plug!
  • 0
    @gronostaj Throw on fire 🔥
  • 4
    Oh you lucky bastard. I wish I could uninstall Python from my life.
  • 4
    Can it uninstall itself?
  • 3
    @cafecortado thats a good question and the answer is no, no matter what software you're removing. Not until reboot at least. Self-deleting executables are not supported on Windows.
  • 2
    Why is python so controversial?
  • 5
    And here kids, you can see the two types of programmers:

    @gronostaj @nitwhiz
  • 1
    @Jilano You are wrong, this is exactly how the internet works. REEE.

    Kidding aside, wish more people would take this stance. Especially towards new frameworks/tools, etc.
  • 2
    Would be awesome if it removed it self when it's done or at least give you the option
  • 0
    @cafecortado @Pyjong @Meadcoder
    Yes and no
    I am not sure what @Pyjong is talking about but there are "quiet" Uninstaller that support automatic uninstallation via a hidden command
    Bulk crap Uninstaller can detect this and delete those software automatically without any user interaction.
    Uninstaller that doesn't support this is an issue, but bulk crap Uninstaller detects buttons and make automatic mouse clicks to uninstall. This can be stuck at times, so the bulk crap Uninstaller uninstall these unsupported Uninstaller first, asks user to stay in front of the computer so that the user can manage the faulty Uninstaller manually, after those faulty Uninstaller are done, user can leave the computer since it will be automated.
    Even registry leftovers are deleted automatically (if I tell the program to do so)
  • 1
    @CozyPlanes I mean on Windows, kernel doesn't allow exe to just delete itself, you will get some kind of file is being used error. Your uninstaller will mark itself for deletion and at next reboot the file gets deleted by system.

    People came up with interesting methods to work around this like invading other processes, stopping the uninstaller and running the uninstalation from the other process then removing the exe, but it's too cranky and it probably doesn't even work anymore.
  • 0
    I am sure there is a secret command to uninstall programs quietly
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