
Fucking news articles like wtf if they don't have a buzzword in the title they will never be published.

This Forbes articles talks about googles quantum computer and hotw it could break Bitcoin. FUCKING BITCOIN like who TF cares maybe you should talk about how it would break the ENTIRE FUCKING INTERNET.

  • 0
    As a bitcoin HODLER, I do.
  • 2
    Who the hell spells NASA like Nasa??
  • 1
    Breaking bitcoins would probably have a huge effect on other markets. There's a lot of money involved.
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    @jerodev but compared to the entire internet it's nothing.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm Billy Bambrough
  • 0
    @jerodev but what about internet banking?
    Your countries'money if targeted will lead to market of your countries' currency fall
    Bitcoin being exploited will just leave only Bitcoins' value falling
    Global market doesn't work on Bitcoins
  • 0
    It's a financial site, not a technical one. Their readers care mostly about finance, so they talk mostly about finance.
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