
Ideas how to use them? :D #Pi #3 #4

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    Home automation.
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    RetroPI ofc
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    connect those two with cable and you have nunchaku
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    k8s cluster ;)
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    One can be used as dust collector (I think it's most commonly used for it)
    The other one can be set up as PiHole
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    Automated Weed growing
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    Do you have a Google Home?

    If so. Create a server than interfaces with Facebook Messenger or something, that allows you to message it to relay commands to your Google home when you are outside the network.

    This would be a great use case for if you have smart lights.
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    I personally have a project on GitHub that could help you with this. It's called Asher.ai
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    Pi-hole is a dedicated DNS server that kills all DNS requests to ad services. Set it as your default DNS without a fallback on your router and no more ads come through. I have been using one for a year now. It is very nice.

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    Don't use them. I'm talking about the hashtags 😀
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    Nas storage with minidlna on it? Maybe nextcloud or something. If you have a pet you can try motion with a usb webcam. Pi-hole is awesome too and all of it can be run at the same time on raspbian.
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    if you get an external hdd, you could set up a nas server for yourself + others
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    @Permanent Already owning a selfbuilt nas with data replication... And i've enough external servers to backup my stuff... 😁
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    oh cmon

    not even overamping and powering the second one over GPIO
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