I know being hostile to new users is not ok.

But have you seen the shit new users post? Who wants to be part of a community of simple minded and unexperienced idiots?

New users do it all: awful english, strawman, meme reposts, and now, advertising.

I wished there was a "above certain karma" filter, so I could avoid the trash.

But there's not, so the only tool I have is telling them their arguments are stupid.

I don't mind someone BEING a beginner. But as such I would expect them stfu a bit.

  • 8
    To be fair I'm pretty sure id fuck your feed up even if filtered by ++ lol
  • 4
    i'd still have the joke/meme filter turned off
  • 5
    @Stuxnet is a joke/meme.
  • 9
    Anyway, I agree.
    I don't mind newbies in the least. But I do mind shit content no matter who posts it.
  • 6
    I can't find a happy middle.

    Newbies aren't always newbies here, some stalk in the shadows for days before signing up and still don't recognise the dislike for memes around here, @stuxnet... you post memes but you still contribute to the conversation, for that I can ignore the shit posts 😏

    A ++ filter will only hurt the genuine signups and we may create a ++ spam bot to get the shit posts over the threshold.
  • 2
    I know shit about AI but I wonder if there's a linguistics AI to tell if a post is good or bad. That way I'd never block bad users, just bad posts.
  • 4
    @Root when your life's a joke you embrace being a meme 😂😂😂

    @C0D4 the trick is to not give a shit if people like me or my posts lol

    Nah there's a few of y'all who's input is respected and actually considered.
  • 0
    A ++ limit filter would basically stop anyone from reaching the threshold for the filter. If no one sees the low posts, they won't get upvotes.

    @M1sf3t that would be a nice feature. Seeing downvotes on your own posts, not others.
  • 0
    @jesustricks look at gpt2. Probably something to do with it
  • 0
    @M1sf3t Though I'm guessing it's a rather big change. At least if we assume that votes are stored as one single integer value. And does downvotes trigger a notification? Because if not and there are no logs that data can't be retrieved from old rants either.
  • 0
    see what i mean? they are not even trying...

  • 1
    What is wrong with ignoring posts sent by these people? IMHO, it's a little ridiculous to be discussing AI algorithms to block posts that don't fit into your dogmatic worldview, when you could just choose to simply ignore them.
  • 1
    @M1sf3t Yeah, that's actually true. Just the notifications it self would probably give some awareness.

    And @bradshaw15r, it's not about making devRant go by a specific view, but rather encourage people to post proper content, instead of things that are disliked in the community and that receives bad response and comments. We don't want that (imo), and it creates a toxic community. What we want to do is to give an indication to those users that their posts aren't appreciated, but in a more friendly and non-toxic manner.
  • 1
    @bradshaw15r thank you for being an example of the type of new user I'm talking about and proving my point
  • 0
    @jesustricks Funny.... So, correct me if I wrong, but you assume that since someone doesn't have "karma" on a social media network, that they have nothing to contribute to a community? Anyone who has less then 500 "karma" points shouldn't respond to your posts, or have any input in this hallowed devrant fellowship? Let me teach you a few things young man. First, some of the most eye opening revelations have come from "new" co-workers. New people can teach you a few things if you listen to them. Second, you were new at some point as well. Third, there have been a few communities that ousted members based on them not being "like" the rest of them. KKK, Hitler Germany, soviet Russia, etc... etc... I refuse to accept that points on a social media site relate to a person's worth in the real world. Hopefully, you will learn that too when you mature a little.

    P.s. your welcome...
  • 0
    @bradshaw15r classic new user, posts a fucking giant wall of text. have you heard of paragraphs you primate?

    I'm not gonna even bother reading it.
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