
Do HACKERS Always Wear Hoodies?
Not in movies ! Real life ...

  • 16
    Yes I do. Especially when I type $ cd hack && echo 'we are in'
  • 3
    I would imagine that a black hat hacker would seek anonymity. This may include a persona that blends in. Wearing a hoodie is not a way to blend in. It draws suspicion. So only an idiot or wannabee would purposely dress like this.
  • 5
    I sometimes wear a black hoodie, because it's a very cozy hoodie, which, by chance, is black.
  • 3
    Hoodies are cool, I wear it but I'm not a hacker
  • 4
    I actually like black clothes so I usually wear black hoodies.
  • 3
    Extra large hoodies are extra comfy
  • 1
    My hoodies are usually blue or red.
  • 2
    We all still wear professional business-casual attire to work. But in our free time i know we all wear a black hoodie
  • 2
    Dude if you aren’t in a black hoodie and wearing a black hat and black sunglasses and a completely black bandana you are doing it all wrong.
  • 3
    @Bubbles Does this explain why computer programmers disproportionately get hit by cars at night?
  • 1
    @Demolishun it would explain some things
  • 2
    @jaza-k for now but that means you’re only allowed to hack NASA.
  • 1
    @Bubbles I want a NASA hoodie!!
  • 1
    @R1100 I only have pure black ones my dude, hit up @jaza-k
  • 3
    No... script kiddies... maybe... try social engineering a receptionist during a pen test looking like the stereotypical movie hacker and you wont make it very far....
  • 1
    @bradshaw15r nah social engineer the people trying to call you to social engineer your credit info
  • 1
    Everyone wanna look cool 💁‍♂️
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