What's your reason to hate JS? Let me hear it.

  • 4
    Dynamic typing, prototype oop, no continuations(!!!) (which means promises have to propagate to control flow root in order to continue non async sequential code)
  • 2
    Fukin monkey patching, used in runtime, by imported modules. And no strict.
    Cannot lint properly, only runtime debug.
    Strange, unnatural choices for boxed types, primatives.
    Never able to know what this, or the context is....
  • 7
    hate Js? Dynamic typing, broken ecosystem.
    Love Js? Dynamic typing, broken ecosystem.
  • 3
    Personally I love JS, I'm just not very fond of the people implementing it, the people developing it, and people who write Medium articles about it.

    Well okay recently the people implementing it has been pretty cool because fuck having to look up compatibility and shit. The people developing it are the same people who thinks that using # for private members is a good idea. Like ?? you guys just did a wonderful job of abstracting prototypes away to classes and you do shit like that.

    Meduim writers because they are the people who are at fault for the "js is framework of the week" shit.
  • 1
    I hate js haters :D
  • 3
    I cannot bring myself to hate Jesus Script.
  • 3
    Everything thats happened to it.
    Developers leaning into it so hard that we now have horrificly bulky client-side frameworks, a lack of focus on security, efficiency and basic skills like actually knowing JS.
  • 2
    I dont hate it, but it feels always a little bit awkward when I have to use it. Maybe because I am more the backend developer and don't use it for such use cases
  • 0
    Ion hate it, but reasonml and ts are just better
  • 2
    I like js a lot. I don't like some things made with it but I wouldn't blame js for that.
  • 3
    Ass retarded language that tries to be functional but fails miserably.
  • 2
    JS isn’t a language, it’s a speaking disability
  • 1
    I like that you can basically mash your head against the keyboard and get something that runs, I hate everything about its type system
  • 2
    A worryingly large amount of "developers" (my apologies, I refuse to actually call such people that) use it for the wrong things. Either they pull in JavaScript from literally 20 domains (all of which have to be resolved, fetched and code executed from in an interpreter), or they use it for the whole fucking thing. You know, "full-stack".

    Just a few days ago I had a webdev with 2 years of experience (?) ask opinions about his personal website, some portfolio thing. Opened the page with ScriptSafe enabled as usual.. empty. Fucking empty. After enabling the JS drivel I found that only one element of his page *might* need it, some kind of interactive text thingy that appeared as if it were typed. Fancy? Sure. Useful? Not really. Did anything but that gimmick need JS? Hell no.

    And don't even get me started on the dependency clusterfuck that is npm and the resource nightmare that is Electron apps. While Telegram takes 100-200MB, do Discord and Slack really need gigabytes of it? Or Exodus which was literally just a fucking crypto wallet. 2 goddamn GB of RAM is apparently what you need for that. Boy was that piece of trash gone quick.
  • 1
    [1, 123, 12].sort()
  • 0
    @Ubbe ... no I’m pretty sure it is JS alright
  • 0
    @Hansz @Ubbe

    Are you talking about Jython? 😉
  • 0
    @Ubbe You're both very right
  • 0
    @Demolishun I do agree that Jython looks like shit. Jython is literally just Python running on a JVM btw
  • 1
    @12bitfloat Jython! sigh, let me find my gun.
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