
only took about 50 millennia, but i finally have windows 1903 on my work laptop... without exaggeration, took about 25 hours over three days to update, with two failures
someone end my existence, please and thank you

  • 1
    What computer does windows 1903 run on?
  • 1
    I got two batteries can that run windows 1903?
  • 0
    @M1sf3t this is gen Z, fuck off. Even I won't touch that shit with a 10-foot pole. 😅👍
  • 0
    @M1sf3t they still do what's best for their business, it's just that now they need to have a good rapport with people because of the competition.
  • 0
    Should've tried installing 1809 instead. I remember installing 1903 and it was absolute cancer. 1809 worked like a charm though
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