
A beautiful email sent by a company whose owner is also the world's richest man

  • 7
    We hope you find this email useful 😏
  • 3
    You know how Amazon shows the percentage of reviews at each star rating? Well, turns out if two different star ratings have the same number of reviews each, that doesn't mean their percentages are the same. In a case I saw today it was 22% vs. 25%, with the same number of reviews.
    Who the fuck looked at that and said "yep, looks alright"?
  • 1
    @deadlyRants That's probably just how they handle rounding, especially if the spread of the other star ratings was different.
  • 6
    This seems more like an email client issue than a sender's html issue.
  • 3
    Use Amazon Prime Mail client to fix this.
  • 2
    @defunkt Please stop giving amazon such ideas. I beg you.
  • 1
    @deadlyRants didn't knew about that earlier
  • 1
    @defunkt email will be delivered as mail with no delivery charge
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