
A doctor heals, a gardener plants, a baker makes some bread, a driver brings you to a location, only IT is nonsense in the most use cases.

Maybe I will switch one day to another and more useful job which makes more sense

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    Sometimes doctor gives you prescription for wrong thing or a placebo or the pills suck. Sometimes the gardener likes something else or moves countries but keeps doing his thing and the garden sucks. The baker sometimes fucks up the bakery and some bakery doesn't even make sense when done right, but people still buy it. And drivers.. heheh cmon.. To me it seems nobody knows anything, doesn't really matter what your job is.
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    It's sad that most people seem to define themselves only by their job.

    Life is more than that.

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    Actually IT does produce something. If you want a really useless career become a commodities trader
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    Yeah, you're right, IT solves problems that we wouldn't have without IT.
    In my next life I become a craftsman
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    "only IT is nonsense in the most use cases"
    Um, so much modern infrastructure depends on IT, definitely not useless. It sounds more like you're in an unrewarding job, might want to consider a change to a different company doing something you actually enjoy (or volunteer IT services to charity organisations and stuff)
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    @RememberMe exactly my thoughts. most of the time I solve very interesting problems. but in reality they help at most a few people to do their job more efficiently. and yes, somehow this is not rewarding. I like doing my job, but most of the time, it will not satisfy my expectations.
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    @IntrusionCM you are right, but half of my life is full of working (besides of sleeping). therefore, I want a reasonable job satisfaction and be proud about what I do. Otherwise it seems to be just not useful at all. And just doing my work with no regrets is not my style.
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