
I have battled with really crappy car diagnosis, testing and installation software and hardware in few years back to this day. So it's finally time for me to try and make my own library and applications for OBD II.

A COPY of ONE part of the specification (ISO-9141-2) costs around 90€. WHAT! Oh my word... I guess I'll be using info found from Wikipedia instead 😒

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    Somebody needs to pirate that shit
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    All standards cost money to see at all, which is kinda absolute bullshit. On a more related note, I plan on trying to reflash a fucked-up Chrysler computer at some point, so i've gotta RE a 2-wire protocol on the CAN bus. From scratch. Literally all I have is a pinout and clock speed.

    literally just RE an existing library for the protocol.
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    @M1sf3t '07 Chrysler. They won't let me because "vehicle must be no older than 2016"
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    Y'know, I just had a thought: these standards govern everything in the world and to even see the fucking standards you either have to RE something or buy the standards docs. I get the part about having to charge to get any funding, but not everyone's a fucking business who can afford to drop 60 USD on each standard... I just wanna reflash a car, goddammit!!!

    (if anyone has a copy of 9141:1989, mind sharing?)
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    Share your GitHub, I'd love to contribute:)
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    You can go to a national library. Sometimes that's actually cheaper.
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    @M1sf3t @milkybarkid I have implemented writing and reading from the bus (FD) in C, so I'm pretty much at the beginning. I'll link repo to the library when it functions at all, and you guys can contribute to it or make apps (eg. web and Android) using it.
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    It's a big library with every book ever published in that country, including (often) ISO standards.

    e.g. in the USA, the library or Congress, or in the UK, the British library, or its branches in Cambridge and Oxford. I don't know if they exist in other countries.
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    @retnikt There's one standard reading library here and it's in the capital city... 500 km from here...
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    @joas yes we'll that's why I said *sometimes* it *might* be cheaper
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