React is garbage. I refuse to learn something that actually expects me to litter my JS with HTML.

  • 9
    It gets worse with react native 😪
  • 4
    @gitpush Please I'm trying to eat here! 🤮
  • 0
    @kdion4891 😂😂
  • 2
    I disagree. (P)React is kind of lighter than other frameworks (and comparing it to framework isn't fair because (P)React is a UI library, not a framework). For example, Vue requires you to use the use() methon when you want to use a compnent, while in (P)React you can just import it from somewhere/create it by yourself.
  • 3
    Your um React-ion is really funny hehe 😂
  • 4
    I strongly disagree. While pseudo xml inside js files is not ideal. Writing a lot of small self contained components is still way better than writing one big ass html template and manipulate it later on.
    Also react native is way better than native Android (if it works for you use case). But I still prefer flutter or kotlin like sytax for building ui over xml and jsx.
  • 1
    I like how I can handle svg with it.

    I got the same feeling when I started experimenting with it and after creating javascript / xml crap I now force myself to create as much functional components as possible.

    In this form it’s quite usable but I think I still prefer vue.js and especially nuxt.js way of work because it’s compatible with w3c webcomponents specification and I like to follow standards.
  • 3
    Either you haven't learned it right or you aren't using it right.
    I was frustrated only until I realized I didn't understand it properly once I did I started liking it
  • 2
    tl;dr The software ecosystem is changing, and the evolution of React is certainly worth understanding.

    I made backend development the sole a of my life after experiencing the state of frontend affairs 8 years back.
    Coming back and finding React was absolutely refreshing. Surely, being a programmer, you understand 'separation of concern' can be better defined at a functionality level than at a visual representation of the code.
    Additionally, if you understand the design of React, and the idea behind 'The React approach' it makes for beautiful codebases, which are a delight to keep enhancing with features that plugin, and out like magic (although you, the sorcerer, know that's just your skill)
  • 0
    If only there was some possible way to use react without JSX.

    If only...

  • 2
    @abhixec the ironic thing about your comment is that they make breaking changes to react so frequently that you literally have to relearn it like every six months, and you still have to mix html in your code. Markup belongs in html files. Scripts belong in script files.
  • 1
    @kdion4891 that is only because you learned it to be that way. Having Js and html intertwined is another paradigm. I find having everything related to my component in one file convenient. Avoids having to jump around files. Separation of concerns works when you have a very small app as soon as the project grows that becomes a pain. Also this way it makes ability to reuse components easier too.
    "One man's food is another man's poison" reason there are so many different frameworks. Each have their own way of how they want to go about solving a problem.
  • 3
    @abhixec "Separation of concerns works when you have a very small app as soon as the project grows that becomes a pain."

    Did I wake up in bizarro world this morning?
  • 0
    @kdion4891 I meant in context of Js and html but if you want to take things out of context and prove to yourself that your argument is right. Then go for it.
    "You can wake a man who is sleeping but you can't wake a man who is pretending to sleep"
    Seems like you want to hold out on your opinion that you think react is garbage.
    Since you seem to have a great grasp of how things should be go for it and make a framework the way you want it!
    I will excuse myself out of this thread now :)
    Have a great day!
  • 2
    @abhixec component abstraction soup
  • 3
    I lost a couple of neurons while reading this entire thread.
  • 2
    More tags needed, like "another react rant"
  • 4
    React is an utter garbage, The concept of state, binding, connect via Redux is so over complicated and give you zero benefits. The fact that children component can modify parent component properties (via Redux store) does not worth the extra complexity. As a person who have 20 years of experience I literally shocked how horrible React is. The fact that you have to bind this to function calls on a routine basis is so low end. I have two use this garbage for my job, but this is by far the worst library with vuejs be the best, angular 1, angular 2 and react the worst by far. Very poor dev team stay behind this project. Even tutorial of redux demonstrates that devs working on React have low experience, look at this for example

    export const getTodoList = store =>

    getTodosState(store) ? getTodosState(store).allIds : []

    code from tutorial. They routinely call function twice. First time to check it returns the value then to use the value. It is a huge performance cost. Bad example
  • 3
    react is absolute birdbrained insanity. For instance,
    window.location = "newsite" is an open research project every time. There's useHistory, withRouter, composition, context, hooks, this.props.router.push, browserhistory.push, this.history.pushstate and then if you're inside say an api call it's a whole different ball game. Then if you want to transfer content to the route, that's yet another research project. It's all just complete utter insanity. Total nonsense.
  • 2
    try Svelte, it's definitely simpler and makes more sense
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