
There she is boys! Xiaomi Mi Notebook Air

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    📌 (please more images and info about how it runs)
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    @nitwhiz system loads superb quick. I downloaded Minecraft really quick to check the performance - stable 60 FPS while generating the world with no problem.

    Now I'm going to be installing Pop!_OS.
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    How much you get this for?
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    Very nice.
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    @growling Fiddy å…ƒ a pop
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    Let me know how you got rid of Chinese government spyware too! Make sure to not have Deepin on it either D:
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    @python3 Yeah we don't really talk about that.
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    @growling 670€ with shipping.

    Also now I'm seriously doubting if I should keep Linux on it and if not put the Windows, because in order to switch between Nvidia and Intel graphics, I need to restart it... Every time. Windows does that seamlessly
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    @athlon That's how Pop OS implements it. NVIDIA's standard solution that you get on plain old Ubuntu requires only logging out and back in, it's also much faster. Still not as smooth as on Windows though.
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    @gronostaj Indeed, but still - let's say I wanna play Minecraft and I have something open. I have to switch the Nvidia graphics on, then save everything, and now I can relog. Then when I decide I'm done and want to do something that doesn't need that much of a power, I need to do the same again. 'Tis just silly!

    But I also would like to use the fingerprint sensor - and I haven't found solution for that.
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    AIR nike, or crAPPLE?. =)
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    @athlon do u mean a popular OS like gLINUX?.
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    @python3 not to forget z amercan one
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    Xiaomi has been doing some great things. Seriously apple should learn from this
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