Me: Could you give me the path to your Desktop folder, please?
Linux Distros: ... *shrug*, nope?!

  • 3
    Doesn't Windows and Mac do basically the same thing with like naming the Desktop as 'skrivebord' in Danish or '阿呆' in Japanese and such?
  • 3
    Just realized my system is really f** in that regard:
    * no ~/Desktop
    * no xdg-user-dirs installed
    * locale on Spanish
    * Destop folder name in German

    Guess I'd just go for the $HOME instead...
  • 2
    @inaba Windows 10 will display Dekstop folder name in system language, but if you check its path, it will be C:\Users\your_username\Desktop

    Same thing applies to Music, Documents and so on.
  • 3
    Dude wtf?!
    How did you even manage that?
  • 4
    I never understood, what that "Desktop" is good for.

    Putting something on it is completely useless, it's covered by several windows all the time. To reach it, you have to minimize all windows, and even worse, maximize needed windows afterwards.

    What I need is a quickstart bar or a similar menu on the main page of the start menu. That is helpful, but the Desktop concept is just brainless.
  • 1
    @ddephor Indeed, I believe the metaphor comes from Xerox Parc, but its pretty much a dumping ground.
  • 0
    @ddephor Win+D --> do stuff on the desktop
    Win+D --> go back to where you were

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