Do devs hate designers or designers hate devs ?

  • 6
    @torbuntu Yeah, leave that to edgy 14 year olds.
  • 2
    @torbuntu except sales, unless they are buying the round.
  • 3
    No, they love each others ;D
  • 7
    They only hate each other when management isn't doing their job and departments aren't able to cooperate.
  • 1
    Liking someone just for giving you money is silly ???
  • 1
    What if dev is designer 🤯
  • 3
    Problems occur because some designers don’t think beyond the aesthetic, and don’t even consider what happens next. This is frustrating for the dev as the pretty picture gets signed off and is impossible to create as the flow and logic is flawed, it then becomes the devs problem. The dev has no time as the design phase has eaten the dev time and the deadline remains the same. This problem can easily be solved but designers never want to learn anything new and devs like to piss and moan. This is where the hate comes in. Companies that fix this divide thrive. Apple prime example of different teams working together for the good of the project.
  • 3
    @joas at what point in time do you hate yourself more ahaha
  • 0
    Probably like cars and bikes.
    Everyone hates the other, yet they still have to respect each other.

    As a programmer, I find it uslesd to add overhead for an animation (e.g. steps, interpolation and that shit), yet designer probably hate programmers because they find it useless.
    In the end it is just necessary to please the user which a designer knows better than a programmer.
  • 1
    as a dev and a designer, I hate myself.
  • 2
    Do devs hate designers or themselves?
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