
So, Richard Stallman resigned...


  • 7
    too much billionaire parties?
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    Resigned or forced to quit 🤔
  • 3
    Why though?!
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    well, think of the upsides, he was an embarassing and alienating leader

    i mean, I hate cancel culture, but i wasn't a huge fan of everything stallman said...
  • 4
    Unpopular opinion, but I see this as an absolute win. He is a genius programmer for sure. But he is also an exceptionally terrible human and the leader of such a foundation should first and foremost be a representative.
  • 5
    I just read that he's supporting pedophilia. Not sure if that's a lie or the truth
  • 7
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- Not entirely, it's a very black and white version of what happened :)
  • 9
    He been nae nae'd for not resigning in the name of these mediocre accusations.
    It's a stunt he forestall instead of the extra effort of a PR fight he is not suited for.

    Combined with established tracking tools, we're but mere puppets.

    I swear to whatever god(s).
    This is actively being used in quite some cases. 'Even in Europe.'
    Mostly on personalities farther away from information technology, but that's the cover for now.

    I don't even care anymore if he did say such or not. The very act of beheading people on PR accusations mid society is giving me the shivers.

    Wether to go public has become a life. threatening. question.
  • 3

    Agree to this.
  • 7
    He is not afraid of asking inconvenient questions and yes, among those questions were sentences like (paraphrasing) "does consensual sexual relationship with a minor really hurt the minor and if so, in what conditions" or "does non-violent bestiality really hurt the animal" or "whom does really necrophilia hurt if the most interested party doesn't care or breathe". He never seemed to present those as final opinions but rather as a lack of knowledge inviting to open discussion and on some of those subjects he changed his mind, e.g. he's condemning sex with a minor for last few years in all circumstances. I, for one, value such people and discussions on any controversial subject (not necessarily sex-related).
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    This is his actual quote, from 2006, not once does he say he supports pedophilia; you can see how this could easily be misconstrued though:

    "Dutch pedophiles have formed a political party to campaign for legalization.

    I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing."
  • 1
    @jesustricks no one forces you to call google cloud platform as GCP/linux or something

    Why do you need to call most of linux distros as GNU/Linux?!
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    @milkybarkid kids don't know about consent and shit!!!
    If you give them chocolate for that and do something wrong with, it's doer's fault
  • 2
    @gitlog I never said I agreed, but he never expressed support either way. He simply said he was skeptical.
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