
So I got a client and he says that he have issues with his bank account paying online. So he'll only pay thru cheques.
Client is American and I'm Indian. Any idea what should we do?

  • 2
    Be very careful. This could be legitimate if your client is on the older side, but it sounds like a way to avoid paying for a service. I.E. sending a false check or one they know will “bounce”. If you absolutely need the client see if they can use PayPal or some other service. If you don’t need the client then refuse payment with a check.
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    @Diactoros I told him about PayPal but he refused. He is only paying through check
  • 5
    I would refuse. Paying internationally with a check is weird and feels suspicious.
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    @Diactoros I guess I should refuse too
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    At least split the work into milestones, bill per milestone and don't continue the work unless you've cached the cheque. Drop the customer if he resists.
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    @Fast-Nop this.

    But in general: find a new client. This one won't pay.
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    Does America have any physical global ways of payment? In the UK, we have Western Union.
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    @cmarshall10450 we have Western Union as well.
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    @sylar182 could the client use that to pay then?
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    @cmarshall10450 That’s possible, but wiring money for a service like this is highly unusual, and would raise my suspicions. This does not sound like a client willing to pay in good faith. No ones bank in the US “doesnt work with online payments”. I have a small regional bank that is finicky about International transactions and it works fine for purchases out of the US.
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    Indeed, very suspicious. You could tell him: work will be delivered once cheque clears.
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    @Diactoros I wouldn't wire money myself. I was just suggesting that as another alternative to the client to see how many alternatives he refuses other than chechque.
  • 3
    Red flag. Run.

    A check may give you a false sense of security as it's accounted on your account immediately. But when it bounces, you will lose the money and maybe even pay a bouncing fee, adding insult to injury. A lot of scammers use this tactic.

    There should be other options available to them. This seems fishy.
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    Tell him "sure. I will write my code on paper then"
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    Hey everyone, thanks for your suggestions. Following your advices I told him that I cannot do his job if he cannot transfer money online.
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