Somebody please explain to Microsoft Win 10 team that normal usage of a computer should just work, home users don't have hours on end to spend on dealing with:

- BS sound drivers
- high CPU usage & diagnosing, log tracing from system processes
- many other crap you need to invest time constantly fixing or you don't have a useful machine

Windows 10 is a piece of shit

  • 7
    My exp with ubuntu
  • 3
    Weird, that's the experience I usually get on Linux. Windows 10 is rock solid here.
  • 5
    Welcome to the world of commodity operating systems, where they don't have the resources to make sure everything works on all the hardware or with all the software. Yes, things should be better, and they often are for many people, but you could lose the lottery and be one of the unfortunate few (that seem like many because of the sheer volume of users) where lots of things are malfunctioning, even if only by a little bit.
  • 0
    Are you using it like a normal home user (as in did you buy it preinstalled on a system), or are you running it on custom hardware? There are also some issue if you reinstall Windows on some laptops unless you install drivers from their website.
  • 0
    I never expected to hear this type of complains about windows... But now that you mention it, I guess there are some support issues, even for supposedly end user ready hardware. Tho my case is also a bit too specific since Im running new HW on Win7 machine... Hmmmm
  • 0
    I see a problem. Which is that you’re running WinBlows.
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