
This is a petition to end JavaScript, it has had us suffer for oh too long.

Please leave a signature and join the movement to a world without JavaScript.

  • 1
    I wholeheartedly agree.
  • 14
    What language shall be its replacement as a frontend scripting language
  • 13
    @alexbrooklyn The question leaving most JS critics speechless
  • 6
    Still no suggestions for an alternative.

    This is no better then the past 100 billion attempts of useless petitions.
  • 2
    @torbuntu you mean the speed improvement of non-ajax calls loading 193749 tonshitbytes of data statically?

    before we end js, we should end python. people write whole web servers in this language, imagine this. like - js, of course, event-driven, an actually different approach, but wtf in python, let that sink in.
  • 1
    @alexbrooklyn I'd say python

    Btw, count me in OP
  • 4
    I'll write a npm library to automatically sign the petition.
  • 3
    JS makes sense for very simple tasks, not for running a huge SPA framework. This is where WebAssembly will take over and it's here to stay as this is a W3C standard.
  • 0
    WPF is a great alternative ( as are other not scripted front end solutions ) In fact, they are better in every way except one: distribution/deployment. It is unfortunate that that one thing has trumped all other considerations in the software world. The result has been inferior products that use inferior technologies throughout the software world and the rise of SaaS which, from a consumer's perspective, is the worst possible model for product purchasing. IMO
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    Good luck using Netflix, YouTube, Google maps or basically any web service which require real time data update with js disabled.
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    We can probably replace JS with python.
  • 1
    Well I hope wasm will do a good job.
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    @C0D4 scheme. Of course, someone would just rewrite JS in it, though.
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    @zvyn yeah but why not in js, which is actually from the web stack and is async by definition and has fs with tons of async file operations out of the box with node?
  • 2
    Grow up.
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    @zvyn I don't share your view on things but I like how you told me your view. Have an upvote for that.:D
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    flash websites
  • 2
    If you go to typescript a lot of the issues that many people complain about go away. A bit of TS linting fixes most problems with JS. Also you can transpile to a lot of different things. Besides JS you can convert TS to WASM, native applications, web applications, and more. Plus looking at Deno, typescript appears to be "the way of the future." Maybe at some point a browser will add type safety to JS in the browser so that TS may run in a browser without transpiling/compiling and etc. (TS is from Microsoft which is now a Chromium contributor.)

    When I went to build some pebble smartwatch things back in the day I could work in either C or linted JS. Which really made me rethink how we can can accomplish lower level tasks with higher level languages. So even though JS isn't our "favourite language" the best part of JS is that it has led to TS. The same way we don't feel resentful towards C for being less like assembly.
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    Just spend 50 hours learning it properly and it won't be such a problem ( use this answer to any rant complaining about some sort of technology)
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    You can’t simply just get rid of something overnight that 90% of the Internet utilizes daily.

    But if you can suggest a successor and NOT a replacement, we’d all gladly get our pitchforks and torches and march JS off a cliff 👌
  • 1
    The best frontend a alternative is obviously scratch.
  • 0
    Replace it with webassembly !
  • 0
    @NarkoCat That only goes so far. Sure, by then they'll know how to work around the things that are terrible, but that sort of knowledge doesn't stop things from being terrible, it just convinces you that you can live with things being terrible. Sometimes it's good to take up your reformist thinking hat and ask yourself why you keep living with so many problematic things. Followed, of course, by "can I do anything reasonable about it?"
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    @torbuntu but imagine how shit static sites would be with reloading the entire page every time you say add something to a basket.
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