Why so much hypocrite Devs here ?
Examples :
I don’t use VScode because it sends telemetry.
Same for Windows 10
Same for half other products.
Like YOU don’t collect telemetry in apps YOU build. And if you don’t, have fun debugging without any data beside “It doesn’t work” comments !

  • 4
    It depends on the app.
    Like, most of then stuff I write is actually just for me, but I publish it, because other's might find it useful.
    So why should I include telemetry?
    To put myself under surveillance?
  • 1
    @metamourge I agree with your case.
    But the moment it is a commercial software, it’s a must have.
    Any new application I start for a client(s), my first step is to add telemetry collection. Just after creating initial project. Before even writing a single line of code.
  • 0
    OK, commercial is a completely different case.
    When you might have thousands of users, telemetry is definitely must have.
  • 7
    @NoToJavaScript telemetry can be done in multiple different ways. Either with privacy in mind or without it.
    The application I build only uses data we already have to replicate issues. It's a ticketing system so all data is data from the server.
    The shop users screenshot every little thing on the frontend and post it on Twitter to complain. We don't collect data about browsers or anything because we don't need it.
  • 9
    Anonymized usage and crash info is great; I have no problems with this at all.

    But fingerprinting and tracking and screen-recording is abhorrent and should be illegal.
  • 0
    @Root @Codex404

    I track every single request with all POSTed data. (Exception is made for login attempts and password changes where POSTed data is ignored) in the beginning. IP addresses are striped down tho. Userlogin is preserved.
    As volume grows, I add sampling in % of requests. All errors/crushed are still recorded.
    Information on browser is recorded too. And with reason. Recently it showed that we have performances issues on FireFox. We asked clients to switch to chrome/edge(canary) and problem went away.
    I used to add Inspectlet. But honestly it is not reliable.
    On the bright side : There is absolutely no tracking cookies or staff like that. No google analytics, no facebook or other. Tracked data is not shared with any other service.
    It is not the best for privacy, but it sure as hell is useful for debug/finding problems and anticipating problems.

    For screen recording : Blizzard uses it in Warden.
  • 2
    Problem with your statement is that its black/white.

    I do collect data but I strip it down/anonymize it to the point that its useful to me but doesn't contain a single identifying data point.

    As for the VSCode example, as far as I'm aware, MS collects ip addresses.

    I don't.
  • 1
    The other option is to deliver shit that actually works, but that has fallen out of fashion.
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