
its ok guys,
Nvidia doesn't even work well on Windows either.

  • 3
    True. Has been a year since my machine started freezing then dying on dpc watchdog violation. Sometimes I look into generated crashdump and every single time its their shitty driver spinning in isr til infinity. Retards. Sent them the crashdump waited 6 months, few updates happened, no change so I just threw the card in the garbage container.
  • 5
    @theKarlisK I was waiting for a comment from you shitting on AMD drivers xD
  • 1
    @RememberMe nice 😂
  • 0
    @theKarlisK guess they can be both shit. I wont advocate for "we used to make product, now we make money" of any brand, thats not my problem. Still, there is a bit of a gap between bad portability and not being able to program isr. What's the difference between mutex and spin lock is the entry question at every kernel job interview. Passing this test yet still programming it wrong I think points to a whole lot of bad possibilities. That being said, I realize its hard to comply to every possible computer setup. And it has to work everywhere and whatnot. So yeah Retards, but only until they fix.
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