
Who here actually uses GoLang? I’ve thought about eventually adding it to my tool belt.

But while on the GoLang topic, what is it good for? I’ve heard it’s good for web backend but can it produce software too?

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    For production? Not me.
    I've tinkered but haven't dived in.
    So... obligatory šŸ“Œ
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    @C0D4 what have you found in your time so far with it? I’ve always thought the syntax looks a little weird and felt it’s an obscure and not too popular language. But I want to give it a decent chance to prove itself
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    @amatrelan hm does it have anything special about it that should make me choose it over say Flask or ASP.NET?
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    My mate at 99design use it, I heard its OK.
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    I use it for making backend services, this is what it was primarily built for. It has potential, maybe some day they will integrate ways to make a frontend in go but currently there are only unofficial packages for that which u are better off not using. For backend tho its really good, pretty fast and once you get used to the syntax and see a couple of projects written in go you would actually find it very intuitive.
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    @Bubbles not much more then that.
    Syntax was different to my liking, it felt familiar and yet didn't , and just setup was a painful... delight on windows.

    Probably should have done it on Linux instead.
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    Well, on Linux, its just untaring an archive and copying over the files.
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    Go is okay, but I rhink they might have gone too far with their intentional restrictions with certain things.
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    @Jilano sure why not?
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    It depends on your use case.
    1. it is hard typed.
    2. Has a weird approach to polymorphisem, and inheritence.
    3. Has a solid concurrecy model, with idiomatic approaches.
    4. Has solid standard libs, and a lot of community support.

    Very good for backend server, and has clear performace advantage over python, java, and nodejs.
    I have not done any UI in it.
    I recommend playing around with it.
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    It's closer to C than dotnet. It has good out of the box threading support and is fairly platform agnostic.

    You will be rolling your own for everything since there's an emphasis on not including more functionality than necessary. There's a native web server and html templating engine, but putting thrm together needs a bit of boilerplate.

    I noticed steelseries uses it for their mouse software and allow you to write custom plugins with it.
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    Hey man you need to talk? I read the tags...
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    @Jilano Copy/paste error on Snippet manager and interactive package manger
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    Just as a matter of fact docker is written in Go. so it can assure you performance.
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    @Jilano Haha cool and thanks for sharing
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    I learned go in my previous job and loved it. I worked on adding features to multiple backend microservices.

    Only downside is that I lost my job and there wasn't any jobs in my country (Scotland) that were using Go for web services unless it was a high skilled senior level. It still doesn't seem to have taken off well here so I doubt I'll pick it back up soon.
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    There's trillions of Pros and Cons. Golang is great if you have a mixture of 1x and 10x developers working on a mid to big sized project. It's 'opinionated' very much for this purpose.
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    @kr9s8n1 that’s a pretty big project too damn
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    @ltlian I didn’t know that about the plugins that’s really cool
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    i know nothing about go, but i do read tags.

    Are you alright?

    Is coding really sparking joy in your heart? then you need to code more, regardless of tool belt n stuff, just build something you want to build. Do it for the project in itself, not just for the kick of the new language and useless stuff around it. Knowing one more syntax brings little value compared to being able to properly build a solution (on design and architectural aspects)

    On the other hand, if you code and still find yourself unhappy, you might want to explore new horizons or bring diversity into your hobbies... pottery class? reading club? sparring? seizing the means of production? volunteering with the elderly? There's a whole world of opportunities out there!
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    @littledaxter oh my, I love programming with all my heart. I’ve had a immense loss in the family recently and it’s getting me down. Occasionally. It’s an on and off feeling but it happens Yknow so I’ll be okay.

    I’ve been programming a bit more. Although not long sessions, more like a few hours going through small exercises for learning WinForms. I’m actually about to resume my main project because someone’s teaching me some of the networking based things I need to know for the project, and a bit more! But most of my motivation for the project isn’t as up right now but I don’t want to do anything else until I’m done with it. But I feel like I’m so much smarter from when I started it. I’ve learned so much about files and networking so far. Also most of my motivation is geared towards this book list I have ready to read after the project is done that I’m so excited for because its security based. Well some of it. (Pt 1)
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    @littledaxter but I have been programming, but I also have college to do so I’m balancing the two, but yeah no i love programming more than anything and nothing will stop that just my current project is in that place if I’m motivated and not because I still have to learn how to do all the networking stuff that it requires which once I get that rolling I won’t stop til I finish.

    Security has all of my motivation because I love it so much because security is important with all software, hardware, games, web apps, databases, and networking and it just gives me so much hype. And I have a list of books I’m going to go through and read to teach myself about security. The first is about linux, the next two are about C, the 4th is a python book, the next is a web based security book, and the last is about Reverse Binary Analysis. And a bonus about micro controllers/hardware/circuits so I have a lot I am looking forward to.
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    Well you sound like you're on the right track then!

    i'm a bit in a similar situation, just broke up with my high school sweetheart after 9 years, so i'm starting to learn haskell and functionnal programming (planning to use nodeJS and TS in a functionnal way later too). I'm focusing on moving on and i see the big void in myself as a wonderful space of creation where i can decide to put whatever i want. i'm going out with friends more, learning more stuff and getting involved with old hobbies i "hadn't time for" before.

    My first answer was more in a reaction to the way the original question is formulated; too often i see ppl asking about X and Y tech while the focus should be more on their goal and what they are trying to achieve.
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    Also, moving to a new flat and spending a whole week without internet access makes you realize how much you can achieve with all the scrolling time; i did more in my free time in 5 days than i used to in 2 months! Being disconnected feels great actually (but i have to go to the library to pull and push, and read the doc, and clone and ugggghhhhh....)
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    @littledaxter ah well I hope you guys sorted all that out I’m sorry to hear that about your highschool sweetheart, but it sounds like you’re benefiting well socially, and mentally! So I wish you the best!

    But a little update, I’m actually kinda getting somewhere with my project so I’m actually working on it a lot more. Cleaned some code up, got basic shit to work. Now I’m also gonna start multitasking a little now by finally teaching myself to use Linux properly, since that I feel I have a good grasp on everything.
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    I really like Go. That said, I decided to abandon my projects built with Go and instead rebuilt them in Rust. I found I was able to get to a production ready state faster thanks to the rust compiler kicking my ass into gear. Still love Go, just personally found that I love Rust more.
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    @Plasticnova were they web projects?..
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    @Bubbles these particular projects were cli tools. I am looking into rebuilding one of my APIs currently built in php though, just not sure the rust ecosystem is where I'd like it to be before tackling that task. Actix/actix-web looks promising though
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