It be what it be man

  • 5
    And that’s just the selfie camera! Should see the back one...
  • 6
    I'd envision it more as one BIG fucking dot. You know, like the eye of sauron.
  • 1
    @SecFreak SukMikeHok doesn't give a shit, don't even bother.
  • 0
    The 12 is for the ammount of cameras it will have!
  • 0
    they don't find anything new to do
  • 0
    Why so many burners on one stove?
  • 1
    This happended with iPhone 6 aswell they said the iPhone 7 would be super long. I find it funny how they basically reused the meme
  • 1
  • 0
    outer me : if u and ur father has lots of money than buy this sh*t
    iphone is sh*t
    inner me : i dont have money to buy iphone
    i badly want this sh*t
  • 0
    These jokes have really gotten stale though, kinda funny in 2013.
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