*LOL* The animal rights organisation PETA criticises the use of donkeys in the traditional Passion play in Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany. PETA claims that Jesus would ride into Jerusalem on an e-scooter.


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    Preparing Edible Tasty Animals
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    Since the record is that he did, in fact, ride a donkey, I'm not sure how they expect this to work in their favor. This is an excellent example of message over content, to the detriment of the message.
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    @powerfulparadox you'd be surprised how many times facts did not stop people from kneeling down in front of squealing pink hairs.
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    Peta is in an dangerous attention spiral. They need to cry about something to be in the minds of the people. Protesting for Animal rights is not bad, but not with their way.
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    @JoshBent Well, that goes both ways. Some people are so dedicated to what they've been told are facts that they don't bother doing the mental work of evaluating them properly for themselves. It's also dangerous to dismiss everything some one or some group says because they say or do ridiculous things. Everything on its merits, not it's association.
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    Now this, is epic. Thanks PETA.
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    @stop PETA also has this little problem with killing animals.

    No one likes PETA so much so that I'm sure not even PETA likes PETA
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    he also turned 10 potatoes into 1000 instead of fish
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    PETA kills animals?
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    no, Until the animals are killed, this is not meant.
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    I’m sorry that you don’t fully understand what Peta is doing for the planet. This is a very important animal rights organization, for example https://artscolumbia.org/free-essay... essay on animal drug testing. And how PETA affects big companies and their technologies. For a while, animal rights have become more and more important. This is great progress.
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