I'm so fucking stupid. I got a ransomware on my pc and lost all my files. At least the important stuff (code) is safe.

  • 5
    Lesson learned? make coldstorage backups.
  • 17
    Backup ya shit up people

    - a total hypocrite
  • 3
    That's bad.. i got it a year back but the damage was not severe..
  • 3
    Hahaha point and laugh boys and girls!

    I mean, so sorry for your loss :(
  • 3
    I just wish this shit would happen to me, would give me the perfect excuse to clean up the drive and reinstall my operating systems. But alas, I am too lazy to do it without the need, and I'd likely restore a backup of some kind anyways.
  • -1
    Just pay the ransom.
  • 0
    @NotWhoIUsedToBe i wish , things are that easy!!! 😢😢😢
  • 0
    Pay me the ransom I'll get your files back.
  • 0
    @NotWhoIUsedToBe there wasn't really a ransom, my files just got encrypted and i don't have the key to get them back
  • 1
    plus i'm halfway through formatting so that ship has sailed
  • 2
    Ransomware without a ransom? So you got ware on your machine? The offer still stands pay me and I'll get you some files.
  • 0
    @NotWhoIUsedToBe i think it used to be a ransomware, but it's deprecated smh
  • 1
  • 0
    @NotWhoIUsedToBe it's not that bad, i have the important stuff in cloud
  • 0
    Now I am curious, how do you get this malware in your PC? Did you visit/download anything suspicious?
  • 1
    @cho-uc yes, it was really stupid, i was just trying to download a software for video editing, but the installer didn't work and a moment later two shells appeared for a second and everything was gone
  • 1
    And that, everyone, is why you backup everything very regularly and don't depend on your setup (aka: you should be able to restore your whole OS and data to the same conditions as before within a day, otherwise it's not a backup)
  • 1
    @kescherRant what do you use for the frequent and recurring backup?
  • 0
    All changed configs and data get rsynced to a new directory on two servers of mine (into a new dir and a "recent dir".

    On resetup, I restore that data and diff the configs.
  • 0
    Oh no, I forgot this: )
  • 1
    When something like this happens in my company they all come with the same damn sentence: no backup, no pity.
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