
Anyone who uses vim + tmux? Did you remap the tmux keys to vim keys? How have you configured the keys to control tmux and get an efficient workflow?

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    All defaults. I use vim buffers to work on multiple files instead of tmux windows. It's more convenient and works pretty well.
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    Separate mapping for tmux and vim. Although I like to maintain some similarity between the two..

    Making them identical would mess everything up.
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    @netikras How did you map your tmux keys
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    I used default keymaps
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    I would use them together, but for some reason, even tho i double checked my configs, tmux messes up my vim colors (i use base16 schemes)

    Keymaps i used the default for tmux and for vim i use my own stuff
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    I use the first keymaps in this post (not the ones that include fzf)

    I can navigate vim and tmux panes really nicely.

    I also bound tmux prefix key to Ctrl + Space, much more natural than Ctrl + b.
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