A bit of progress on the computer I'm making! This soldering is taking ages!

  • 3
    Wouldn't a prototyping breadboard be a better tool for this?
    Still congrats man on the progress.
  • 2
    @HitWRight yeah you're right, I want it to be sort of permanent though, and also I'm just not a fan of breadboards except for testing really small things
  • 0
    Can you tell us more about that computer?
  • 0
    Why not a make a PCB? Would be a lot easier, cheapper, and faster.
  • 0
    @LuxARTS I probably will do once I'm sure this all works
    But you're right, it's a pain soldering in all these wires
  • 0
    I'm working on a similar concept, I use breadboards. Once I'm COMEPLTY done with a module, I'm having them made on pcb (jlcpcb) because it's cheap lol
  • 1
    @tman540 Yeah I'm currently designing the PCBs for it all too :) I used stripboard instead of breadboards just because I find it easier
    Good luck with your project!
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