New to the community...what can I expect here?

  • 15
    Complaints if you mis-categorize a post. Not like this spot on categorization.
  • 13
    Memes and jokes
    Some development-themed ranting, but not enough.
  • 1
    Inhabitants here are among the wittiest and display an abundance of pizazz.
  • 7
    *smoke cloud*

    *curtains open*

    @C0D4 enters the room.

    Welcome to the show.
    - - - -

    You shall expect everything* to be rant worthy, memes are considered forbidden, and there's some smart folk around these parts who will enlighten you.

    * almost everything.
  • 2
    Nothing good, run while you can
  • 1
    It's too late for me, run fast, save yourself !
  • 0
    Bitching, a whole lot of bitching!!!
  • 0
    rants basically
  • 0
    Rants on development related matters
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