

  • 1
    @RocketSurgeon ...in the parking lot?
  • 7
    "Zebra" it's a barcode scanner, yeah
  • 3
    @Parzi is there parking lot tickets? that would explain the scanner
  • 11
    We are actively developing software for WindowsCE devices.

    Edit: Some clients refuse to switch to android due to security risks. Others say the devices have been working for the past 10+ years, why switch now?
  • 1
    @LlamaMan llamas run on windows CE?
  • 1
    @JoshBent nope, hardware store.
  • 1
    There are still a lot of devices running CE/embedded.

    Many devices in the business world are used for a long time. It's not like consumer devices that are changed every few years. If you have to run special software and support legacy systems you keep old stuff as long as possible, to avoid the costs for re-implementing old stuff or migrate to newer versions.

    And let's be honest, if the device should be small on ressources, very likely be an ARM device and it should have a Windows badge, there is still no alternative. Windows IOT needs ressources of a full-blown machine, that's ridiculous for "embedded" devices.
  • 2
    @LlamaMan Have they encountered any Windows CE security issues? I can't imagine it's significantly better than Android at this point, although I'm not informed at all when it comes to Mobile embedded vulnerabilities.
  • 3
    @powerfulparadox some of them do network audits every once in a while. We have not been notified of any issues to date, though I do not know how extensive the audits are because most (if not all) of the internal services are not running on https. This either did not trigger warnings, or we have not been informed of them. All of the places where the devices are used has physical access control, but I am sure the wireless network extends to outside the premises in some areas.
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    First rule of IT world in general : If something works, NEVER UPGRADE IT.
    Some airports in France are still using windows 3.11 (yes, yes) PCs for some of critical realtime tasks. (Ex : Weather and wind monitoring).
    Personally I’m done spending HOURS updating frameworks because “The new version uses a DI approach and much better”. Sure, yes, for new projects. Who the fuck has time to spend 5 days rewriting code because framework decided to “prevent old usage type with static members” (Yes Automapper, I’m looking at you)
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