
Well, it's official, I'm in deep shit

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    What happened?
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    @dfox does devrant have an anti politics and propaganda ruleset? I'm not sure if I remember right.
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    Could you not just explain yourself without some nonsense video sharing?
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    @torpkev I could, but I'm not physically capable RN.
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    NOTE: I'm in middle of an panic attack right now and I'm struggling to fight against it. I take brakes almost every minute RN.
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    NOTE: People are talking to me like they talk to a lawer, because of who I am
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    You wat hed a video and yoi feel bad about it?
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    Panic attacks from a video?
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    @Root to be fair, panic attacks can come from anywhere
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    @Floydimus Politics I get. Religion I don’t. Religion is the lens for contemplating existence.

    For example, I think that God is the grand engineer for existence and it pushes me to make better software for the user. God made math to construct existence and I use math to construct software. I get to emulate God in a small way and understand an aspect of Him through my work. I don’t abandon my faith or paradigms because I’m on devrant. I don’t get to turn it off.
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    - Some leftie website shuts down
    - Some video with superficial analysis appears
    - Some snowflake gets a meltdown.

    @joas Grow up.
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    @joas If it helps... Things may seem messed up and unfair and downright deceitful. People are sheep but they have always been and will always be. Be assured that ideas flow easier today despite changing media climate. Most of us have the tools in our pockets to circumvent whatever crazy restrictions are out there. Like in Hong Kong the government locked down social media and now people are using Bridgefy and Bluetooth broadcasting to communicate without internet. Amazing! That is a far cry from putting heavy printing presses on rafts in the dead of night and floating them down the river just to circulate books.

    So my recommendation is to turn it off for now. We are in the best technological position to communicate that we have ever been in. It doesn’t fix injustices instantly but long term success is far more important that tiny instant wins. We get to participate social change for a long time and the best way we can do it is with calm empathetic conversations.

    The best thing to do is to turn off your computer. Slow your breathing. Have a cup of hot water or herbal tea. Listen to the sounds outside. Outcomes won’t change if you leave this until tomorrow. Turn all of your devices off now.
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    I'm not really sure who should grow up
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    @M1sf3t I’m not from the same country as you.
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    I can't really rest if someone is always on my tail
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    NOTE: Literal / common sense
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    @joas Are you in a situation where immediate physical harm could come to you?
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    @joas There's nobody on your tails. You're just full of shit.
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    All I want to do, is talk...
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    I want to talk to someone that knows something
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    @joas It sounds like you need sleep and unplug. Talk and consuming more wont help. You need some impartiality and you won’t get it by flogging the same dead horse. Put on your oxygen mask and take a few breaths before trying to get others involved.

    If you aren’t in physical danger all of it is psychological. So you will be safe to take a break. Relax a bit and think about it tomorrow.
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    Aamun torkku, illan virkku on taloon hävitys.
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    Juu, no parempi on ettette yritä ehtiä mua

    Yes, so. It would be better if you didn't try to find me.
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    @joas have you considered seeking help for your panic attacks?
    And I'm not saying that in a derogatory way, sometimes we all genuinely need help for our issues. Devrant is not really a good place for that.
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    Why are you trying to affect what I think so heavily?
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    @M1sf3t stop justifying politics, this is absolute horseshit and does not belong on here, I'm lost at how this is still not deleted.
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    @M1sf3t we've had no politics rules for a reason and many quit exactly because of it too, since there's always some little dipshit that is exempt from it, especially with some mentally insane like OP is that should get professional help, not a platform to propagate his insanity and propaganda.
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    @Nanos why do you need to stretch the definition? if you have to exclusively talk about religion and politics, then there's better places.
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    @M1sf3t just to make it clear, you fueled this directly too.

    first asking if that is politics, just to then the rest of the post talk about politics.
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    @M1sf3t you can try to cryptically creep your way out of it, but it is and was politics, your "observation" was a loaded and subjective politic stance.
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    @Nanos I know you like to troll and are a little senile on simple rulesets often, that's why you got banned from other forums before as you've said, but you're up in heaven on here for sure, you can live out your troll attitude and stretch definitions for your own vile pleasure.
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    @Nanos he has talked in Finnish with Irene, there's no such thing as "getting into trouble" for politic beliefs in Finland.
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    @Nanos it's literally just a dipshit searching for attention, while actually drifting mental and parotting propaganda.
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    @M1sf3t again, first sentence denying political discussion, then going on a tantrum and rant about politics, are you as dense as the 8 year old OP?
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    @Nanos they had a party go through with right propaganda, not really.
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    @M1sf3t here's my opinion on history repeating itself and it imploding: you might need another account delete soon.
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    @Nanos tantrum has an actual definition, that you might FX [ google ] yourself, but I'll help you out this time
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    @JoshBent What also sucks is the amount of psycho crap here, all that depression and anxiety shit. The fuckers who think devRant is the place to pester people with that garbage are even encouraged to increase their attention whoring because they don't get enough vitriol back.
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    @Fast-Nop wholeheartedly agree, those people need professional help (OP if you are reading this, finnish therapists are free for you btw), not the right place to get help or threaten suicide
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    @M1sf3t I'm baffled at your inability to read properly, neither did the above "tantrum" definition exclusively imply "anger" as the cause, but also have I never said depression is the cause of OP, maybe time to delete much earlier than last time to avoid looking like an imbecile half the time.
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    @M1sf3t if you fail to see the difference, you're lost.
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    @M1sf3t I haven't suggested prescribed drugs either, it's alright, you're delusional and this was my last reply to you.
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    I was in the forest at the edge of the camping under the stars. A long walk from anything. No cellular reception.

    I got back to civilization a few days later and discovered that there was a bunch of nuclear war threat and rhetoric between Trump and Kim Jong Un. It had basically deescalated in the time I was gone. I was in a position where I coped with it basically better than anyone I knew because I couldn’t ride the FUD coaster.

    I am pro media slow down. The tech part is that most of this is because of instant communication. Missing some things is actually good for mental health.
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    I will explain my situation after I have rested well
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    @gudishvibes I posted a new rant. It's about my mental health not the news.

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