
Well, today was a fun day playing with Qubes OS. I really did nothing really difficult, I created a template for multimedia pruposes (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify and VLC) based on debian and then create a domain based on that same template.

It works

Still need to fix the screen tearing, but it is nothing really serious, in fact I probably just change the graphic card to the integrated on the motherboard to see if something change.

Probably the next issue will be set a few domains for specific issues:

- Dev [personal]: This will be used for my personal projects.
- Dev [non personal]: For those times I collab with someone / not my stuff
- [√] Work: mail, msTeams, whatever from my job.
- Bank Stuff: I can asure you that
- [√] Multimedia: chill n stuff

and thats all for now.

PD: Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V Will be a nightmare xD

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    On what hardware are you running it?
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    Cpu: Ryzen5 2600

    Ram: corsair vengance LPX (2x8GB)

    Gpu: Shapphire VGA RX580 Nitro+ oc 4Gb blackplate GDDR5

    Mother board: asrock B540 Gaming-itx / AC 90 MXB870-AOUAYZ

    The reason for the itx formfactor is because i want to be able to transport (if needed) the PC in a comfortable way.
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    @zoridan great! I was thinking to assemble a pc with the exact same hardware as yours but I was worried it wasn't enought for Qubes.

    So, do you confirm it runs fine?
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    @dmonkey Well, idk tbh I still playing around with it, but so far so good.

    Still I have problems with screen tearing (I'm on it), plus I have no clue how to allow the graphic card to work on the VMs (Thats why probably end up trying the integrated one). I really like to know how to fix this but I have no clue yet.

    CPU and RAM are just fine, I suppose that something lower than 8GB of RAM might a bit tight, right now seems to be using 4 Gb and I only have 2 firefox [one for multimedia, the other for personal use, different domains] windows opened, plus three domain for managing system stuff. If you don't optimize your VMs can face a very slow performance on some of the VM.

    PD: Of course, I am no expert, anyone please feel free for correct any of the things I said if I was wrong, explain your experience with the SO, whatever.
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    @zoridan what's the ram speed?
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