Fuck Microsoft and the windows dev team! Fuck the person who thinks it's a bright idea to force users to download updates on their fucking insecure OS.
I live in a shitty substandard country where the cheapest mobile data plan is roughly $7.5 for 7.2gb for a month.
After several weeks of Windows auto downloading updates I don't need, I disabled the updates on several fronts using tutorials found online until yesterday, the fucking thing still found a way to download updates over 6gb, I didn't suspect a thing until I got notification that my data plan is exhausted and I immediately checked windows update and saw a fucking download meter of 76% downloaded. The data was suppose to last for 4-5 days, all gone within 3 hours span.

Fuck whoever thought it is a nice idea to force users to download shitty updates, leave me with the fucking old unstable version, if I get a malware I know how to find my way out you fucking goofs at microfuckingsoft!!

  • 10
    You can disable downloads when on a metered connection.

    You just need to tell Windows that your connection is metered.

  • 4
    @nibor I did exactly that and disabled updates on 3-4 settings, still I was still force fed.

    EDIT: That was the same page I used, I used all the procedures on that page to make sure I don't get any update.
  • 4
    Settings -> network -> manage connection -> metered.

    Updates stop.

    Services -> windows update -> disable.
  • 2
    I use it for the tethered connection to my mobile without any problems.
  • 1
    So Sad.
  • 0
    So how about switching to the dark side?
  • 0
    Try shutup10, you can disable practically every annoying windows "feature" with it
  • 0
    Yeah! FUCK THOSE PEOPLE AND THOSE SHITTY ASS UPDATES! Sorry to hear that bro, but I expect nothing less from a windows machine.
  • 0
    You bring up an interesting concern, and good motivation of why automatic updates should be opt-in rather than opt-out.

    That doesn't explain how my dad manages to use up 70GB per day even when he's on holiday. I think he syncs huge backups in the cloud

    Also ++ for "microsuckingfoft"
  • 1
    @webketje No, updates should not be opt-in.
    Especially since a majority of (non technical) users would not apply them otherwise and would make the life for hackers much easier.
  • 0
    @ManBunMike Like Linux is any better.

    Linux : "New updates, wanna install ?"
    Me : "Yeah !"
    Linux : "Fuck your grub setup and partitions. All your data is wiped"
  • 0
    I know I know .. Linux is for the brave...
  • 0
    @sbiewald depends on what you value most: users having the latest software or having them pay higher bills for something they didn't ask for
  • 0
    @webketje I have a question for you: How many end users (percentage) use Windows exclusively over a metered connection?
    And how many of those overlook the checkbox "this is a metered connection"?
    As the society pays for insecure software (= more bot nets leading to increased spread of spam, dDoS, higher energy consumptions), I do think this is more important.

    What is not okay, is Windows not respecting the checkbox or missing granularity for Windows update in the Windows 10 Home edition.
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