
Just had a talk with my manager who wanted to know why I removed a feature from an application we had. This removal had been discussed WITH THE MANAGER several months prior, but apparently they hadn't written a little note or anything down about it.

I told them we had discussed it earlier. They didn't believe me. They checked the project technical specifications that said it _should still be there_. I told them we talked about it previously. They told me to prove it, so I go looking through the commit history.

Lo and behold:

- Commit <hash> authored 4 months ago.
- Update to specifications, asked for by <manager>

Eat it.

  • 4
    In the future, just send a quick email to them each time you discuss something like this with your understanding of the requirements, just in case there's an issue.

    It then becomes trivial to prove these things in future.
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce Yea, I will be doing this from here on out. I know it wasn't malicious on my managers part but still helps me to save face in the future
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