  • 4
    I don't want to spoil it for you but it looks like you could use at least a little refactoring. In fact all my DRY senses are tingling.
  • 1
    So as someone said about DRY principle. You should probably make a function which can set each property for each of your objects. As I see that each object has the same property, you should try to not repeat yourself as much as possible. I do not know whether your learning to code or not but just trying to keep yourself === DRY is a good practice :) have fun coding
  • 1
    As a seasoned programmer. This kinda hurts my eyes. :)
    Trust me usng DRY and refactoring code is a really good thing to do, especially in larger projects :)
  • 1
    You are right, I'm developing myself yet :)
  • 0
    I guess he gets paid per LOC, lol. 😁
  • 0
    Agreed with what others said but doing these sort of mistakes is what will make you a better coder so keep coding :D
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