Protip: If you're using a tiling window manager, you can detach the file browser on the left of any Jetbrians IDE.

This way you can switch to it using the shortcuts you're used to from the WM, as well as resize it very easily.
Also this way if you are not using the integrated terminal of the IDE, you can have the file browser span the full height of your screen, while the terminal and the IDE share the hight on the right.

Disclaimer: I don't know if this is common knowledge, I'm sorry if it is, but I was completely shocked that I missed this feature for years.

  • 0
    @Jilano Yes but I did not really like it, the controls of GIMP are not very "keyboard-aware" (or I am just not aware of how they work :D)
  • 1
    I wish VSCode panels could detach...
  • 1
    I had no .idea
  • 1
    This probably works everywhere when you have seperated windows.
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