My dad turned off my laptop this morning, so tonight, before going to sleep I had to tell him, not to do this.
So I decided to do this....
PS: yeah that's my mom's hair clips.:D

  • 6
    I do that with downloads 😂
  • 3
    @Linusero lol...now I think of it that is why he might have turned it off...thinking, I might be downloading something.
  • 8
    BTW I was just brute force decrypting DES in ECB mode.
  • 26
    If your parents won't turn it off, Windows Update will do...
  • 14
    @JS96 Luckily Ubuntu doesn't do Windows updates.
  • 5
    @deadlyRants I didn't see that he's using Ubuntu lol
  • 1
    Did this haha
  • 1
    That's what we do on college computers when we're rendering something.
  • 2
    I read this post and I said to myself.. "That is so Indian dad" Had this happen several times to me! My dad be like.. "Who's going to pay for electricity?" 😜
  • 0
    Can I get a 100+ please
  • 1
    By the way, try this superuser.com/questions/699905/change-behavior-of-linux-power-button#699911, you can still turn off the computer by the command sudo shutdown -h 0 or by using de menu. In that way, as it is a laptop, it cannot be turned off if you lock the screen with a program like i3lock.
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