!rant - Story:

I got accepted to the university of Osnabrück!

Finally! I've had a though time.
After kindergarten kids went to primary school while I had to go to a place called "Vorschule". Kids with disabilities go there. I, for one, was not physically disabled. I was psychologically disabled.
My German was not that good. My native language is Turkish. I had to spend 1 or 2 years there, before I was able to attend the primary school like the normal kids.

In the primary school a few teachers started making racist comments. I didn't really understand them, but my father did. After 2 years of attending that school, I switched to another primary school and continued with everything there.

In the secondary school (comprehensive school) I got bullied a lot. I was getting racist comments on a daily basis. Even by some teachers. Whereas some other teachers were showing it indirectly.

In the same school a teacher made me get a bad grade in one subject on purpose. Thus I got a bad certificate. Not the certificate I deserved.

I spent a year in economics after the secondary school. I was in a vocational school. I didn't like it, because I wasn't really interested in economics.

"Why did you choose that then?" you might ask. That's a legitimate question.

I didn't get accepted in anything related to informatics.

Anyways, I got bullied there, too. Physically beaten by trouble makers in my class and mentally by a french teacher.
He told me that I will not be able to get my certification that allows me to attend a university after me telling him that I will change the school and try it again in informatics. Several times.

I was in the new vocational school after that one. It was very stressful.
I, again, got bullied there. But this time not by the kids, but by some abusive teachers and directors.

One of them was a racist moron. My ex-PE teacher. He someday told me that I won't be able to achieve anything in my life.

I was always naive and kind of let all these words destroy my future plans in my head, but I had a little bit of hope nonetheless.

Today, I got a letter in which it was written that I got accepted to the university of Osnabrück!

Omg! I'm so fucking happy! I could explode! (A lil racist pun)

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    Bullied by teachers and others. Thats hard, i was bullied too, but that were next to nothing what you had.
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    Big congradulations to you. I too was bullied 50 years ago. I have overcome the damage. So although I don't know you, I'll will be thinking of you and your success story. Cheers.
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    Though what I find odd is how a kid grown up in Germany can struggle with German at the age of 6. Looks like the parents fucked up and taught primarily Turkish instead of German. Sadly, that's common among German-Turkish, and most parents probably don't grasp how much damage they inflict on their children.

    By comparison, second generation Polish immigrants typically don't even have a Polish accent when speaking German.
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    @Fast-Nop im half polish too, but i delearbed it, after my mother was snarled, because she spoke polish to me. At that time i could speak polish an german. Since then i had problems with languages.
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    @Fast-Nop and my mother speaks better german than most of my neighbours.
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    at least inclusion quotas work well in germany
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    @stop thanks and I hope that no one else has to face something similar like that. It is really demotivating.

    But I lost faith in humanity. It will happen. Most people will always keep being assholes. I mean look around. Wars everywhere, but no one cares. People only care when something bad happens right in front of them and when it affects their own life.

    The Amazon Rainforest burns down. The majority doesn't give a fuck. Global climate change. No one gives a fuck (except kids like Greta).
    Some animal species become non-existent. No one cares.
    Most relationships don't really work anymore. At least in the western countries. (Dunno how it looks like in Asia).

    The world is doomed in my eyes. The situation only gets worse. Everyone is crazy.
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    @bols59 thank you very much, sir. I really appreciate your kind words.

    How was it 50 years ago? How did the bullying vary? Or was it the same as today?

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    @Fast-Nop I can't really blame my parents. They tried their best to teach me everything they knew.

    My dad's German skills weren't good. To this day he still can't create proper sentences in German.
    Same situation with my mom.
    I am actually from the third generation. My grandfather got here after the last world war.

    To that comes that I suddenly stopped speaking when I was 3 or 4 years old and somehow started speaking again after some long time.

    Thanks btw.!
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    I believe that you have been bullied, it happens a lot everywhere and is a big problem.
    But I canmot believe that you have met so many racist people in Germany, especially teachers who are controlled by state and which most of are progressive (or hate all children equally... except the one in class who is their favourite). Could it be that you misinterpreted hate against you as a person with racism?
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    @Benedikt I just rethought most racist situations from my school life.

    In kindergarten there were no racist situations. In my pre-school phase either. In the first primary school I had two racist teachers, but not in the second primary school.
    In the secondary school I have had one racist teacher and two other abusive teachers.
    In the first vocational school I've had no racist teachers, but one abusive teacher.
    In the second vocational school I've had two racist teachers, three other abusive teachers and one abusive school director.

    One of these teachers got fired btw.

    Btw. I remember that in kindergarten they wanted to pass me to the "Sonderschule". Their reason for that was, because that specific local school had a lack of kids.
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    @NoMad thanks a lot!!!

    I wish that for everyone out there who isn't abusive, racist etc. :)
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    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- I had to edit my original comment twice because I began going into detail. And I didn't want to divert any attention from your post. So, in the interest of that, I'll just say I ended it myself. To this day I don't make a good victim. Good luck.
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    I'm glad you applied and got accepted, for myself it was an opportunity for a fresh start. people can be nice, it just takes a few attempts to see that.
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    @awruh you definitely have a more optimistic perspective than me haha.

    Thanks for the support. Since the beginning of the winter semester I've met a lot of nice people including you.

    My faith in humanity is in a slow but steady process of restoration.
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    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- well depends... I'm definitely not optimistic but I'm trying to uplift people sometimes nonetheless. ^^
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    @awruh you are doing a great job for sure
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