
- Create a Cron to delete users with course status 'enrolled/incomplete' for several months based on existing courseUpdateLogs
- Run Cron manually 1st time
- Find out courseUpdateLogs were very incorrect
- Find out a LOT of valid users got deleted and can't access their worksite
- F***

  • 5
    That's why we have "active" / "enabled" flags but ok, have fun restoring that data.
  • 0
    @C0D4 What do you mean with "enabled" flags?
  • 3
    Dry run
  • 4
    @LHofman you would normally have a Boolean in the database set to if the account can be used or not.

    Ultimate blocking access to the account without deleting it.
  • 0
    Means you don't actually delete the data just set a flag that it's deleted
  • 0
    Seeing as the data you were provided was incorrect, I’m not sure if you could blame yourself?

    However, I don’t see why you don’t utilize a “deleted” or “active” column as mentioned within your tables. Makes restoring data a lot easier when situations like this arise.
  • 0
    so you've done it on the production, not on the test server/db, do you?
  • 0
    @C0D4 @Nachfolger This was actually not an option for this particular use case. We created a close-out plan to remove data we didn't need anymore for GDPR reasons.
  • 0
    @CyberXander Of course this was tested in our test and beta server first, but the logs were correct there.
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