If you have a blog, How do you decide what to write and publish on it? And, How do I motivate myself to write posts?

Context: I created my blog/website on 29 September 2017. I had a few ideas on writing blog posts(Condition variables in Go, Serverless related stuff and a whole bunch of posts related to wireguard) but every time I have tried write a post, I learn there is someone else who has already written a post on it and probably better than what I could have done, So what is really the point of writing it? And, I feel very insecure about writing posts, I feel like, If I do write a post, every one will know, I don't know anything about **anything**. :( I know about imposter syndrome, But I don't think I have that. I work with a lot of realllly smart people and I don't know as much as them. So, I am actually an imposter.

edit: I am usually active on Telegram, IRC and I try to help out people. It's easier for me to help people in communities like that but doing the same thing with a blog makes me very uncomfortable.

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    Not knowing most of things is actually part of the imposter syndrome. If one knows all they cannot be an imposter. If one feels less than others then one might feel like an imposter.

    Know that nobody knows everything. The subjects you mentioned would be new for me but I am interested in it.
    Also I write blogposts mostly for myself, I've ten written somewhere but have not yet published them because I've to reread them which I don't like. But while writing I get an indepth knowledge of things.
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    hire multiple people on fiverr.com to come up with headline ideas. Then choose the most promising ones and then write your articles.
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